Environmental Updates

Environmental Updates

April 2018 Environmental Update 

The information below was obtained by the Commission through a conversation with the environmental contractor (Active Environmental) for Valiant Contracting in Jefferson Twp., Morris County.

Valiant Commercial Fuel Oil Incident Update – see previous update below for additional information

On February 15, 2018, the soil in the area of the spill was excavated.  The excavation extended to top of glacial till at about 2-2.5 feet below grade surface (bgs).  At two feet bgs a drywell and associated drainage was discovered.  Plastic drainage piping was observed to exit the drywell and flow to Weldon Creek.  The LSRP confirmed that oil seeped into the dry well exiting through the drainage pipe and into Weldon Creek.  Approximately 100 feet of drainage pipe and associated soil was removed between the AST and the creek.  Soil samples were collected and analyzed, and found to be in compliance.  Contamination sensors and booms were initially placed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to catch residual oil.  The dry well was found to contain approximately one inch of free product. This was vacuumed out using a vacuum truck and was properly disposed.  No free product has been found in groundwater.

As of April 1, 2018, Active Environmental has been visiting the site one to two times per week to inspect the site for free product.  They have found no sheen on the water, and nothing in the creek.  Initially 300 feet of boom had been placed in the water, which has been reduced to 100 feet.  They have found no evidence of active leaching, and they continue to move and change the booms as necessary.  They will continue to leave them there as a precautionary measure.

Soil from the excavation has been disposed of and backfilled, and Valiant’s attorney is discussing how to recoup damages with the parties involved.  The consultant, Active Environmental has sent the necessary paperwork to NJDEP and is preparing a proposal for the next phase of work, which includes preparation of a site remediation investigation, installation of ground water monitoring wells, an ecological evaluation, receptor evaluation, and potable well search.


March 2018 Environmental Update

The information below was obtained by the Commission through conversations with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection – Office of Emergency Management.

Home Heating Oil Incident

The Bureau of Emergency Response (BER-N) deployed on 2/18/2018 to a fuel oil discharge into Lake Hopatcong in Hopatcong Boro, (Andover mailing address) Sussex County at the request of Sussex County Health Department to assist their investigation into the source of fuel oil. The oil was traced back to a home on Daydream Lane where a leaking 275-gallon Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) for #2 home heating oil was found. NJDEP’s contractor was engaged to contain fuel oil impacts to the lake; recover fuel oil with sorbents; remove oil impacted leaves; and dispose of all generated waste, due to the property owner being unable to conduct the clean up because he was not in the country.

The property owner’s homeowner’s insurance, eventually, provided coverage for the spill from the AST. GeoWorx was retained to address the spill by the insurance company. Applied Service Corp was retained by GeoWorx to address the impacts to soil, ground water and the lake. Potable well samples were collected from the properties at surrounding the home on Daydream Lane to evaluate for potential impacts from the spill. BER-N has referred this case to Bureau of Case Assignment & Initial Notice (BCAIN) for Unregulated Heating Oil Tank Program (UHOT) assignment (http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/unregulatedtanks/).


Commercial Fuel Oil Incident

The second question pertained to the Diesel Fuel Spill that originated from Valiant Contracting in Jefferson Twp., Morris County on 2/4/18 (PI#771486; Case Number: 18-02-04-119-23).  BER-N has not been on site since 3/2/18 and at that time the following was the update:

BER-N returned to the incident location to inspect the current condition of the lake and stream following a heavy rain event.  BER responders meet with Active Environmental Technologies, Valiant’s contractor and discuss the condition of the sorbent materials in the lake and at the outfall into the stream, behind the Valiant location.  Based on the inspection, all sorbents at the outfall into the stream from Valliant’s property are impacted with diesel fuel and are changed with fresh sorbents by Active.  The lake area is inspected and no sheen or impacts are identified outside the containment boom located at the outfall pipe in the cove area.  BER-N recommended that Active remove the sorbent sweep and sorbent boom located along the shoreline, which runs along Prospect Point Road.  Active removed and bagged the spent sorbents in the lake and replaced spent sorbents as needed in the outfall containment area.  All waste was transferred into the Allstate roll off container at the Valiant property.

On 2/17/18 BER-N transferred this incident to BCAIN for Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) oversight (http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/), as the emergency was over.




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