Murphy Administration awards $1 million in funds for water quality improvement projects to the Lake Hopatcong Commission.
Lake Hopatcong Commission partners with municipal and county governments to address sources of phosphorus loading, non-point source pollution, and removal of accumulated sediment adjacent to stormwater outfalls on New Jersey’s largest lake.
LAKE HOPATCONG, N.J. (12/9/2022) –The N.J. Department of Environmental Protection this week announced that the Lake Hopatcong Commission would receive $1 million from the state. These funds are awarded by the state for projects that will improve water quality and reduce the impacts of non-point source pollution from stormwater on publicly accessible lakes throughout New Jersey.
“Funding for New Jersey’s public lakes is important for maintaining water quality and recreational opportunities for all residents,” said LHC Chairman, Ron Smith. “The projects addressed under this funding will further our work to reduce occurrence of Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) on Lake Hopatcong.”
The grant projects will focus on reducing phosphorus loading to minimize the magnitude, duration and occurrence of HABs. It involves working with four surrounding municipalities (Jefferson Township, Roxbury, Hopatcong and Mount Arlington) to install and remove biochar sleeves in two stormwater ponds and in a series of stormwater structures, manufactured treatment devices, and inlets into Lake Hopatcong. The project will also include the removal of sediment that has accumulated immediately in front of or adjacent to stormwater pipes or outfalls that discharge directly into the lake.
“This public lakes funding is an important step in caring for and protecting our state’s public waters,” said Lake Hopatcong Foundation Executive Director Kyle Richter. “We are excited to see these critical water quality improvement projects implemented and we continue to advocate for permanent funding for New Jersey’s public lakes.”
The grant application was prepared with the technical assistance of Princeton Hydro LLC and is the fourth grant awarded to the Lake Hopatcong Commission from state and federal sources for the improvement of water quality and reduction of HABs on Lake Hopatcong.
"Princeton Hydro congratulates the Lake Hopatcong Commission on being awarded a Lake Restoration grant through the NJDEP and is proud to be one of the team members for this work." said Dr. Fred Lubnow, Senior Technical Director of Ecological Services at Princeton Hydro. “The projects will contribute toward reducing the magnitude and frequency of Harmful Algal Blooms through nutrient control, as well as remove unconsolidated sediments from municipal near-shore stormwater outfalls and an existing stormwater ponds."
Non-point source (NPS) pollution comes from many diffuse sources, in contrast to point source pollution which results from a single source. NPS pollution is caused by rainfall or snowmelt moving over and through the ground. As the runoff moves, it picks up and carries away natural and human-made pollutants, finally depositing them into lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal waters and ground waters.
The Lake Hopatcong Commission is an independent state agency created in, but not of, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The LHC is recognized as a steward of the lake and watershed. The 11-member Board of State and local appointees include representatives of the four municipalities and two counties surrounding Lake Hopatcong. The LHC is responsible for fulfilling the obligations of the Lake Hopatcong Protection Act, to safeguard Lake Hopatcong as a natural, scenic, and recreational resource. To learn more, visit lakehopatcongcommission.org.